Oh my I have been terrible at keeping this updated! Mainly because I got a job in January and it turned out to be pants! I was never home and being winter when I was home, it was dark! Today is day one of my new job with hours of 7:30-9 then 2:30-6 so I get daylight at home! I am planning to make the most of this time and get Etsy up and running again as it has fallen into disrepair! I also plan to sort out my chickens for spring breeding season and to finally break in my horses. Though Barney has been ridden a few times I want to get him pulling the sledge!
I have been instagramming a fair bit, but with the awful weather it's been hard (also called eksterhuis on there).
A few images from the past few weeks of rain!
One of my beautiful Silver Laced Wyandotte pullets
Kristin doesn't like the rain!
Barney in the flood waters!