Sunday, 23 June 2013

A Very Naughty Blogger

Oh my I have been terrible at keeping this updated! Mainly because I got a job in January and it turned out to be pants! I was never home and being winter when I was home, it was dark! Today is day one of my new job with hours of 7:30-9 then 2:30-6 so I get daylight at home! I am planning to make the most of this time and get Etsy up and running again as it has fallen into disrepair! I also plan to sort out my chickens for spring breeding season and to finally break in my horses. Though Barney has been ridden a few times I want to get him pulling the sledge!

I have been instagramming a fair bit, but with the awful weather it's been hard (also called eksterhuis on there).

A few images from the past few weeks of rain!
 One of my beautiful Silver Laced Wyandotte pullets

 Kristin doesn't like the rain!

Barney in the flood waters!

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Barney's Bath Day

After having time off for my foot to not to be so broken Barney is back in training. Rump roped and ready to go! Ended up giving him a bit of a bath. Next time will get the shampoo out on him. Finally getting him used to having his back legs handled so will be able to sort out his mud fever. Vicious circle of sore legs so not letting me touch them and because I can't touch them (and treat them) they are more sore!

Anyway dead proud of my big boy! He copes with new things so well!

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New Years

So went out to a party last night, starting on the old resolutions (being social) a day early. Went in a sort of modern 50s kinda get up... First time with cat eye makeup in a VERY long time! Lovely to wear this dress again, even if its a bit too big... With a belt it work! Rocked the MAC Ruby Woo lipstick, which has to be my all time favourite!

Had a great time, caught up with some old friends and think I've stated the process of making a few new ones! Go 2013!